Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Don`t get me wrong...

Hello to all!!

As my title says ``don`t get me wrong..`` I love my hubby but sometimes the way he says things really makes me think!!
Like this morning. As it goes I am off work today and as he is heading off to work he says`` hope you have a good time at home today!`` What does he think I do all day anyway?! It`s not like I sit around and eat candy, doing my nails and watching TV.

My list for today was:
clean the front gardens
get the garbage out
clean cat box
pick up dog poop
wash kitchen floor (the only way is the right way, hands and knees)
make appointments for car and me (doctor)
on and on and on.....

Between these items I have also made homemade cookies and took the dog for a walk. (which is hard on me because the doctors appointment for me is to see about having foot surgery)
Ok I am done venting!! I feel a little better now!

These hearts are both done in Lizbeth size 20 thread called Summer Fun. The first is Small Tatted Heart by Betsy Evans and the other is Susan Fullers Hearts Desire.

Well I guess I should run!! (not really) Time to put the laundry on the line out side and start thinking about what to make for dinner. I am looking forward to going to work tomorrow for a break. (I clean houses by the way)

Tat to you all later!!


  1. Both of those are gorgeous hearts! And what fun fantastic colors! :)
    And I totally understand the thing about the husbands thoughts. May your rest be blessed after you get done with everything! :)

  2. I especially like the 'Hearts Desire', but both are nice. Actually, I believe men think we do eat bon-bons and watch tv all day! Unless they see us busy working, it didn't happen. ha!
