Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hi Everyone Now I know that Christmas is over but I still like tatting snowflakes!!! I'm working on (dare I say) snowflakes for 2009 Christmas gifts!! The pattern I'm enjoying is from Rozella Linden book Easy Tatting. Seeing that southern Ontario will be getting more snow soon I guess snowflakes are not that bad to be tatting. Stay warm!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly! Thank you for your very nice comment on my blog. I am honored that you read it and have asked for my assistance. All you need to do is leave a comment on the 25 Motif Challenge blog to let them know you're in and on your own blog you keep track of which motif is #1, #2 and so on and so forth and by telling them you are signing up it is assumed that you are giving them permission to copy and publish your photos on the 25 Motif Challenge blog. You decide when you start and you have a year from that start date to complete 25 motif's/projects/whatevers of tatting. Sharon Briggs initiated it years ago and now, TattyCat, Jeff from Bridge City Tatting, Clyde and someone else help keep it going. Here's the link to the 25 Motif Challenge blog:

    It's considered a personal challenge to motivate us tatters to keep our tatting skills honed! Good luck and Happy Tatting! :)
