I know, I know. I should be at work today but I`m not. My boss`s son is getting married today so no work for Kelly!!! This is both good and bad (mostly good). First the bad was cleaning 5 house on Thursday, then I cleaned my parents (as they are coming home from holidays) and last but least my house. Now for the good, this means no work Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday!!!!!! We just do not have customers that fall on the beginning of that week. I`m counting this as my summer holidays. It just will not happen again.
The other bad was that I had another slip and fall. It made working this week fun to say the least. But with time off I should be much better before work on Wednesday next week.

On Thursday I visited some of our local Thrift shop. I am tatting edgings on hankie to sell at the local bridal store. On my first visit I didn`t come across a lot of hankies but I could not past up these doilies. They cost me anything from .50 cents to $1.50 each. Not to bad. They do need a good washing before I tat. Maybe some will be Christmas presents!?

I normally grocery shop on Saturdays but I would like to sleep in a little this weekend so I shopped this morning and came across this napkins at another thrift store. And yes the price does say 6/$1.50. These are not really napkins in my mind because they only measure 10x10. More like a hankie size.

Then in the same store I found this treasure!!!!! 6 linen napkins for $8.00. Really linen. I cann`t wait to wash these and start tatting on them!!!!!!!! They measure 11x11 inch.

Sounds like all I have been doing is shopping!!! But I have been doing a little tatting too. This is one of the finished hankies for the bridal store. I was thinking of pricing it at $25.00. What do you think? It took about 2 hours to tat. I used Lizbeth size 20 thread.

Well time for a cup of tea and get washing up my finds and start looking for some patterns.
Hope all is well in your neck of Tatland!!!
Tatfully Yours