Hi Everyone in Tat Land
What can I say....I know I was to blog more often but this thing called life is getting in my way of blogging and tatting. Lets see first I was very busy helping with the Fringe tatting weekend. Both before and helping out with the event. Things went really well and everyone had a great time. (I have pictures of my goodies I show you shortly). Next the STRESS levels around here have been very high!!!! My job is closing down the end of October and with this I had to tell my hubby. He took the news ok. I was really hoping I would have had a new job before I had to tell him. The one I was waiting for didn`t come through.
In the end it was probably for the best I didn`t get the job as I am going in for surgery November 4th on my left ankle and will not be able to get around to well for a while!!!
I know it is alot to take in but I have been able to get some tatting done and even a little knitting too. But first some pictures of the goodies I got at the Fringes Tatting weekend!!!

I was lucky enough to win this copy of 25 Years of the Ring of Tatters.

Here are some books I treated myself to.

And of course I had to purchase some more thread!!!! The ones in the middle are HDT from Karey!!

Lastly the knitting I got done. This sweater is for a special little girl. I just have to sew on the buttons and get it in the mail!!
Thanks for letting me bend you ear for a bit. I hope I didn`t come off as being a big downer!! I know things could be worst!! And because it is Thanksgiving here in Canada I am getting off the pity train and just be thankful for my family and my wonderful friends. (That means you guys in Tat Land too!!!!!!)
Tatfully Yours Kelly