Hi Everyone

Hope you are all having a great Valentines Day!!!
These pictures are from Feb. 6th when I had some friends over for some tatting and chatting!! In the first pictures there is Pat and myself (can you tell I had a killer head ache?) Then there is Karen and lastly Sandra!! We
had a blast; head ache or not!!!

I am taking part in a tatting exchange with the Fringe called `my favorite snowflake`. I have many favorite pattern
s for snowflakes, but I thought that seeing this exchange was going on in February my snowflake should be made up hearts!!!
Here is the pattern I used for the heart!! I am not a designer and do not claim that someone has not done this kind of heart before me!!

Flower Heart
Abbrivations: R = ring Ch = chain cl = close
rw = reverse work DNRW = do not reverse work
R - (ds,p) ds 7x`s total of 7 picots cl, rw.
Ch - 20 ds cl, join to 5th picot from large ring.
Ch - 5 ds cl DNRW
R - (ds,p) ds 3x`s cl DNRW
Ch - 5ds cl, join to the 3rd picot from larger ring. DNRW
Ch - 20 ds cl. join to the top of the first ring. Tie and hide ends.
This is fast little heart and I hope I did alright writing it out. Please enjoy!!
Take care!!
Tatfully Yours